My Playstation Network Card

Monday, June 15, 2009

When Things REALLY get hot ...

Well my entire house is running on low current right now so ill try and make this quick .

Heres a good "quote" (or whatever u call it) in life which i just thought of ... but then quickly realised that there are better quotations out there which are as same as mine >_<
Well here it is anyway :
When things get too hot to handle .. We have to become hotter then them .
You know .. when you grow hotter than them then practically they are cooler then you and you can handle them :D
Okay i know it sucks but sheesh ...

1 Opinions:

NesQuarX said...

Firstly: PS3! w00t!
Secondly: typo in quote!
Thirdly: Nothing... I just had to have a third point, that's it!